About Metcalfe Commercial Real Estate
Ray Metcalfe was born on the Crow Indian Reservation in Montana, where he lived until he left home at the age of fifteen. He spent the next few years hitchhiking around the country, attending high schools in multiple cities and states until graduating from Billings Senior High School in Billings, Montana in 1969. He then hitchhiked to Alaska, arriving June 5, 1969 with a bedroll, a backpack and $53.00 in his pocket.
His life in Alaska alternated between Alaska's oil fields and college, studying business and history until he opened Metcalfe Real Estate Company in 1976, which he operates to this day. His hobbies include skiing, disco dancing, litigating in defense of liberty and exposing political corruption.
100 Years of Alaska's Legislature "From Territorial Days to Today"